Topic: Reference
Memo From A Mob
First, I would like to welcome our 556 readers here now. That number jumped to 556 from 350 the day before so there is an increase of interest representing that surge yesterday Friday May 11, 2007.
We're back to our normal 300-350 visitors on Saturday... so who were those 200 masked men?
It do appear we've retained 100 new viewers out of that surge Friday. We're at around 425 as of 'yesterday' whatever yesterday means to the tripod visitor counter. Who knows.
An Apology to the Linkless
There are two ways to read blog posts on this lycos/tripod site. One way you can simply go to the day the post was made and scroll down to the post and read.
The other concerns the "Permalink" at the bottom of each page which is the link that will take you directly to that page when you hit it somewhere.
But, there is a problem with the way permalinks act on a permalink page. The permalink from a blog page derived from the date the blog was written gives a correct Permalink movement.
What can you expect? It's free and it's brought to you by the same people who couldn't hang on to all RagingBull posts prior to January 21, 2003 due to a "technical error".
Seeing how they put this environment together I can somehow start believing the bull.
Anywho. Until tripod can figure out what to do, (get cute or work right) ALL PAGES are best viewed via the calendar selection and not the permalink pages until tripod finds out people actually use these functions. Apparently the designers didn't use the product they built. Shame but common in the traditional programming paradigm.
Sorry for the inconvenience. It's a huge surprise and disappointment to me and underlines why SiteFlash capabilities should have been available back in 2001 when this whole ball game started.
So sorry for the mess. Suck it up it's free. And you might get rich reading.
- the management
Reference Liberry:
Reference: Patent Battle IBM/MSFT
XML News for an anchor point in the industry history:
XML News 1998
XML News 1999
XML News 2000
XML News 2001
XML News 2002
XML News 2003
XML News 2004
XML News 2005
XML News 2006
XML News 2007
You Can't Know ANYTHING If You Don't Know History
(Timelines of various sizes and shapes)
The TIMELINE swirling around VCSY
The TIMELINE concerning Virtualization
The TIMELINE material for an IBM / VCSY connection
Relevant Posts for Rumination and Exploration
Copping a Feel and Blaming it on the Cupholder
Why Microsoft hasn’t sued (yet)
A useful view of software oriented intellectual property
Informative googles:
crap and other stuff...
stupid ideas...
On what question would you like to have an answer?
If you're looking for a yes or no answer, perhaps you should use this instead:
(you can anonymous blog here and I will moderate the comment)
(if you would rather your comment not be posted, say so and it will be my pleasure to avoid the unnecessary competition - the management)