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Thursday, 21 August 2008
Blood on the gunwales.
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Pinky's Disdain - Leftover meal breeds vermin and pestilence in this raucous and ribald affair (black comedy)
Topic: Soundings


And the jolly roger in the crow's nest.

HAARRRRR... We be racking the rudder for another run at the Queen's fleet.

Every man and his sword. You ladies and your fingernail files.

Except for you, snooky wookums. You're barely out of diapers and you need your mommy's arms for comfort.


You grew up pretty fast there, snooky. Now it's time for you to move out and get your own place. Life ain't fair, is it? Well, no problem. I'll still hep you out when you get in a bind but sucking on the old bottle isn't a productive way for you to live, so, read and learn. It's the only way you'll mature.

The Microsoft situation is not the end-all and be-all of VCSY's actions. The impact of the patents apply to every company aspiring to interconnect and interoperate with all other platforms on the internet.
If VCSY's lawyers have said to remain silent while they negotiate and prepare to litigate with others, there is nothing sensible to urge VCSY to say anything more than what they said in their 8-k. And to rant and race about forcing Wade to talk is simple nonsense. All the man is required to do by law is keep us informed by 8-k (which he has done promptly while Microsoft has STILL not filed an 8-k on the settlement - hundreds of millions of dollars to MSFT is not a significant event and everyone knows that - they just conveniently forget that when they need to have something to worry about). The SEC doesn't have much say on how companies put out PRs. The company's interests govern that. And if you think VCSY can negotiate with all the ducks they would  need to line up after this settlement in a few weeks, you really need to get out of buying stocks altogether for your own stupid good.
What VCSY enemies (and I use that word emphatically) want everyone to believe is that VCSY has had its one shot pop and that's all there is. If that were the case and if Wade were the typical scam CEO (and there are plenty out there - many of them in multi-billion dollar companies - just read the newspapers) he would be pushing PRs out to the public has hard as he can. He doesn't. In fact, there was no PR for the settlement - only an 8-k: a responsible, measured means of notifying the people who should be notified - the shareholders.
Those who are trying to use bits and pieces of what "appear" to be logical arguments fail to take their logical processes to the natural conclusions. Why? Because they can't support their views with a full logical flow. They donE?t even bother to try. They simply need to take the process to the point you will begin to worry, knowing you won't put out the effort to think and learn enough to take what they're saying and carry the thought processes beyond the worry point and look at the situation unemotionally.
If you find that's what you're doing, please sell now while you can claim your profits. Please get out of penny stocks. You don't have the equipment to play and you're going to get hurt.
In other penny stock outcomes, their logics ring true. That is the result they count on.
But, when you have a company like VCSY which has survived against all odds from the dotcom bust that killed every other company like VCSY, which has stayed alive by the infusions of cash by their own officers and friends, which has beaten a determined effort by Ross Systems and Chinadotcom (I know it's called CDC but I wanted to remind everyone where they came from in 2000 and where they ended up today), which has taken Microsoft to the bar and had them settle faster than in any other litigation Microsoft has fought....
This may be a surprise, but, those who are trying to discourage those who own shares all have my encouragement. I want the shareprice down to 3 cents and lower if possible. Buying at 5 cents is depressing. I look in my account and see all those shares I bought at 1.5 and below and, damn, that's depressing to now have to pay three times that.
But those of you slamming VCSY really need to bone up on your arguments. Your arguments are very lame because they're only piecemeal. Little bits of logic unconnected from a natural progressive string of logic that fails to complete the circle works only for a while. And it only works on the weak and the uninformed. I havenE?t seen any of you able to take your arguments beyond the most basic efforts. Pitiful. You can do better than that.
Those of you afraid of the things these people are telling you, please sell now. You're not fit for this kind of stock. Please sell so you won't be able to complain if November brings more silence. If you haven't been able to make a profit buying in before the settlement and you're worried about what happens next, sell now and cut your losses. That's my honest advice for you.
I foresee the stock price dropping a great deal between now and November if there is no news before then. That's a logical conclusion and, if you would like, I can explain that understanding. I can also explain there are those out there who are smart investors and traders who know a logical train when they see one and they know how to use your emotions and your failure to think against you.
Those kind of people don't stay on a message board hammering a penny stock for no reason. They have a reason and it's exactly opposite what they will tell you.
We always complain they're "paid posters" funded by some obscure nefarious body "out there" to bash VCSY and that is certainly a probability with some who are the most vociferous antagonists - the ones who've been here for years and continue the grind. I believe those are the ones who were part of the effort to take VCSY down and theyE?re here to continue the fight and to save their own skins.
But who are all these other guys? I'll tell you who they are. They're people who see what's happening. They understand what they see. They're very smart people who've been able to piece together the train of logic from one point to another and they want. They want the stock cheap. And they know they can get it from your weak, whiny and wimpy butt. And they will. And from now on I will help them. I will point out to them where their arguments are weak in hopes they can do a better job and drive the shareprice down.
I want the day traders out. I want the weak hands out. I want those who don't know why they own the stock out. I want everyone who's had a chance to get in cheap in the months before the settlement to take their bump up and be happy. You had a rise of a few hundred percent. I don't think you have anything to complain about and I'm giving you fair warning I'm tired of babysitting and holding your hand. I intend to talk you into leaving so those who do know what they're buying will have a chance to lock on to much more. They deserve that chance to protect their future efforts against people like you and the traders who will sell the day after the first major PR.
The bottom line is, it's the bottom line that matters now. I've been here this whole time telling you what the technology is about and where it's going. You've had the chance to learn and none of you can complain I haven't been generous in giving you the chance. But, the chances are over. Now, it's your turn to either learn for yourself and decide for yourself or leave. And it's my turn to benefit from what those who are less scrupulous and honest than myself will do between now and the next filing.
Fair enough warning? I think so. I don't know how I can be more open and obvious. People like those you can't argue against know how to play your strings and you can bet Wade knows how to play their strings. Sure, theyE?re outgunned, but youE?re going to get hit in the crossfire and that would be a shame. I've been very happy to see each of you get a chance to see the next generation of software develop before your eyes. It's something you only get a few chances in a lifetime to experience and you've been sitting in the front row.
But, the seminar is over.
I don't have a problem with these kinds of people bashing the stock and driving the newbies away. I hope they do their job well because I know they will handle the stock more usefully and won't sell in an emotional panic, the way you and the clueless newbies will.
I also think Wade and his advisors know enough about what he's doing to be able to play the traders. They always think they're smarter than the next guy. That's what puts them into whipsaws. That's what will make you cry and whine. I like it when that happens to them. I don't like it when that happens to you. So go away so I won't feel bad about playing the saw.
Think about what someone like me would be like if I had my scruples shot off in the war. I would be able to completely bamboozle every one of you who don't understand the technology into selling quickly. Why would I do that? So I could own much more stock at a much lower price.
NOW do you get it? If you do, enjoy. If you don't, leave.
You have been warned.


Posted by Portuno Diamo at 10:08 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 September 2008 10:33 PM EDT

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