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Port's Pot
Monday, 11 August 2008

Well, I've been unable to post this to the Yahoo VCSY board so I suppose I'll set it here for right now. 

As I've said before, the "technologists" who are blathering their lame opinions are going to be asked for an explanation as to why they didn't see this more clearly. It's all very easy to see IF you bother to read what's available.

The reader needs to be able to explain how Microsoft can suddenly confront issues in .Net and Sharepoint that were such contentious areas only a couple months ago (search "vote of no confidence" + ADO.Net Entity Framework).

Are we to believe MSFT had the fixes available all the time and they suddenly "responded" to customer feedback? Or was there something else allowing these shelved fixes to be put in play so quickly?

So, reader, what "sudden" event can place Microsoft in a position to say "And now, we can do things so much better with .Net."?

Read where .Net got a sudden upgrade in capabilities (I'll place my comments in parens to avoid confusion):


Microsoft Breaks New Ground in Helping Developers Build and Deploy Client, Web and Data-Driven Applications

(portuno: the title says it all)

"Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 had an extremely positive impact on our ability to develop a Web-based application ...in fact, it helped us boost development speed by 60 percent"

(portuno: "boost development speed by 60 percent". One of the primary advances in SiteFlash [patent 6826744] and MLE [patent 7076521] is very rapid development. Compare MSFT's previous timetables on producing complex solutions with what they are able to do now.)

"new capabilities such as ADO.NET Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services meant we didn't have to worry about any of the underlying plumbing and could simply focus on building a highly responsive and interactive experience for users..."

(portuno: read the patents and you will see this kind of elevation beyond nuts and bolts to an abstraction of the workspace.)

"New Breakthroughs for Developing and Deploying Client Applications"

(portuno: where were these things "9" months ago? Heck, where were they 6 months ago when MSFT was struggling to puff itself up enough to scare Yahoo into sellling? These capabilities were available in the patent claims. But! They were not available for MSFT to use in public due to the litigation.)

"...developers can more easily deploy client applications thanks to an 86.5 percent reduction (197 MB to 26.5 MB) in .NET Framework size..."

"Developers now can quickly and simply deploy new and existing rich-client applications to a broader audience."

(portuno: ...as opposed to previous versions of Microsoft development tools and environments.)

"Simplified Development of Web and Data-Driven Applications"

"With .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, the .NET Framework now offers support for ASP.NET Dynamic Data, which provides a rich scaffolding framework that allows rapid data-driven development without writing code."

(portuno: Again, as I have admonished technologists for the past two+ years: read the patents. Those of you who want to treat the patents as a marginal concept with little or no significance are placing yourselves in position to have to explain how MSFT achieved all these new advancements with their existing cache of tools and capabilities. You can't and you might as well be honest with your own denial mechanisms.)

"...via delivery of a single framework for service development that spans enterprise-critical applications and emerging rich, interactive applications."

(portuno: What's the matter, reader? Getting flogged by your own mind? You're not paying attention, are you?

How did Microsoft come up with such brand new functionality while they've been suffering and delayed until only the past few weeks?

Amazing rejuvenation in the works and the MSFT shareprice shows.)

Posted by Portuno Diamo at 3:40 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 August 2008 6:46 PM EDT

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