
Now Playing: 'Rumors Fall From The Sky' Bombardier blown from plane lands in hog pen. Benton D'Struckshin / Winsom Demerits
Dates to Remember (some will live in infamy)
Fur das flickenshnotten und shitzenflippen en das messagenborden:
March 7, 2000 VCSY…acquired Emily Solutions
March 29, 2000 arsDigita Secures $35 Million via General Atlantic and Greylock
August 3, 2000 VCSY… beta release of two of its MLE (Markup Language Executive “Emily”) Solutions Suite products: the XML Catalog Enabler Agent and the XML Database Agent.
September 6, 2000 launch of an educational and informational Web site devoted to in-depth explanations of the company's XML-based software solutions.
December 27, 2000 (iNPI) officially unveiled details of its strategic alliance and joint ventures with Vertical Computer Systems (VCSY) to use, market and sell VCSY's Emily™ XML technology for the B2G and B2B markets.
January 31, 2001 joint venture between iNet Government Services LLC (iNet) and Apollo Industries, Inc. ("Apollo") to form a separate LLC under the name "SmarteGov." Jerome Svigals, Director of MIS at Apollo and SmarteGov…generally regarded as the 'father of the magnetic stripe card.’
February 2, 2001 Barry Diller marriage to Diane von Furstenburg. Diller becomes Father-in-Law to Rober Miller via through Alexandre Prinz von Fürstenberg/Alexandra Miller 1995 marriage.
February 12, 2001 VCSY/Emily Solutions selected by IBM to be one of 40 companies now featured as innovation leaders on IBM’s new showcase Web site
February 20, 2001 Emily™ XML Enabler Agent is available for public purchase and download
March 13, 2001 Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY), a provider of Web commerce solutions, today announced that through Now Solutions, LLC, it has acquired a 60% majority interest in the Renaissance CS® Human Resources and Payroll (“HRIS/PAYROLL”) product division from Ross Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: ROSS).
March 19, 2001 Microsoft releases Hailstorm
March 20, 2001 World Bank funds
( developed using arsDigita Community System software work)
September 5, 2001 acquisition of one hundred percent (100%) of Texas-based EnFacet, Inc., … "EnFacet’s innovations provide a strong synergy with our Emily enhancements"
November 1, 2001 VCSY…appointment of Stephen O. Rossetti to head the Company’s (Vertical Computers) new Government Affairs division to be headquartered in Washington D.C.
??2001 At some point during 2001 (bave, can you give the particulars re past email? - if you can dig them out and sanitize the name) iNet hosted the development of software to service a cluster computer
See comment to this post below. Thanks bave.
January 3, 2002 -- Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (OTCBB: VCSY) announced today that it has acquired an option to … interest in iNetPurchasing, Inc. "iNet…current strong working relationship between VCSY and iNet … facilitated the testing and deployment of EmilyTM… throughout Texas, Maine, and Idaho"
February 4, 2002 arsDigita acquired by Red Hat Linux
February 21, 2002 …contracted for the sale and installation of its ResponseFlash™ software to enhance emergency response communications for Marion County, Indiana, including Indianapolis, the state’s largest city…MECA (Metropolitan Emergency Communications Agency} serves the City of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana … wide variety of communications equipment, including more than 1,800 mobile devices, 8,000 handheld radios, 3,000 mobile radios and 5,000 pagers. MECA director Linn Piper is also chairperson of Motorola's Mobile Data Users Group (MDUG).
April 11, 2002 Microsoft pulls plug on Hailstorm
August 14, 2002 Grand River Hospital has selected NOW Solutions as their HRIS provider of choice…powerful capabilities and features of emPath™
September 18, 2002 licensing of emPath(TM) to Betty Ford Center
(Emily checks into rehab)
October 2, 2002 NOW Solutions…Northern Health Authority in Canada
November 25, 2002 NOW Solutions…upgrade and licensing of emPath™ to Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State
November 27, 2002 NOW Solutions…upgrade and licensing of emPath(TM) to a large municipal(unnamed in release) government in New Mexico
July 6, 2003 Laughing Place #1 started on ProgrammersHeaven website - (Webmaster for Programmersheaven is .Net MVP. Laughing Place #1 will be shut down by Programmersheaven webmaster April 25, 2007 - one week after VCSY sues Microsoft for infringement of patent 6826744).
July 18-28, 2003 AOL Time-Warner / Chinadotcom split up
September 8, 2003
Ross Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: ROSS), a global provider of enterprise software for manufacturers, and CDC Software Holdings Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of chinadotcom corporation (Nasdaq: CHINA), an integrated enterprise solution and software company, announced today that they have signed a definitive agreement whereby CDC Software will acquire Ross Systems in a merger valued at approximately US$68.9 million.
October 31, 2003 Microsoft releases Web Controls 1.0 for .Net.
April 6, 2004 Google talks about WebOS. Microsoft stays quiet.
June 4, 2004 WHATWG open mailing list announced
"The Web Hypertext Applications Technology working group therefore intends to address the need for one coherent development environment for Web Applications."
August 27, 2004
chinadotcom corporation ("chinadotcom") (NASDAQ: CHINA; Website:, a leading integrated enterprise software and mobile applications company in China and internationally, today announced that it has completed its acquisition of Ross Systems, Inc. ("Ross Systems")
August 27, 2004 Longhorn rewrite announced. Winfs out of Longhorn.
August 31, 2004 VCSY SiteFlash Patent allowance
See USPTO PAIR Site at:
and use application number: 09/410,334
Look for allowance notice under Image File Wrapper tab.
October 2004 Laszlo Systems releases code for Laszlo Presentation Server to open-source.
November 8, 2004 WHATWG releases draft of Web Controls 1.0.
November 9, 2004 Recy43 Raging Bull VCSy posts truncated.
November 11, 2004 Ballmer throws chair during meeting with Mark Lucovsky on news he is leaving MSFT to join Google
November 18, 2004 Ballmer accuses Linux of violating >258 patents
November 30, 2004 VCSY SiteFlash Patent granted
December 1, 2004 VCSY delisted by SEC for reporting failure
Returned to listing by SEC December 6, 2005
December 13, 2004 SavaJe wins LG mobile OS gig
(SavaJe 26% owned by Vodafone, Orange and T-Mobile - ring ring)
December 15, 2004 Bill Gates joins board of Berkshire Hathaway
February 18, 2005 'AJAX' coined to describe web development centered around activity of Microsoft developed XMLhttpRequest
April 18, 2005 Adobe to acquire Macromedia
July 19, 2005 IBM and Lazlo Systems jointly propose Laszlo IDE for Eclipse
August 31, 2005 Patrick Tinley CEO of Ross Systems/CDC promoted to CEO of CDC Software
September 1, 2005 WHATWG releases draft of Web Apps 1.0
September 1, 2005 WHATWG releases draft of Web Forms 2.0
November 9, 2005 Vista was on a one sticker campaign
December 5, 2005 Adobe completes acquisition of Macromedia
December 6, 2005 Patrick Tinley removed as CEO of CDC Software
December 6, 2005 VCSY returns from pinksheets (after delisting December 1, 2004)
December 6, 2005 CDC/Ross Systems CEO fired by CDC
December 13, 2005 IBM, SAP and Microsoft announce shut down of UDDI.
December 20, 2005 Microsoft is telling techs the Premium Standard is a minimum for Vista Aero.
These are absolute minimum requirements, and our testing here shows that to be productive in any way you will need to meet the Vista 'Premium' requirements:
-1 GHZ Processor
-1 GB of RAM
-A DirectX 9 Compatible Video card with a WDDM driver, 128 MB of ram, and 2.0 pixel shader
-40 GB of hard drive space
Even with the above specs, you will still feel Vista is sluggish. At least 2 GB of ram will make things much faster.
January 12, 2006 UDDI publication ceased.
January ??, 2006 Vista Windows Vista Premium Ready PCs Campaign becomes a two-sticker campaign ( or Windows Vista Capable ) to enrich Intel by dropping their qualification standards for Vista.
This is what you had to do to be a proper customer to Microsoft after the techno-bait-and-switch:
Question: Why would Microsoft principals want to drop the qualification standards for anybody unless there was a compelling financial reason to do so? What benefit did it bring Microsoft? And if there is no common sense financial benefit to Microsoft?
Such a move as performed by Microsoft by dropping the performance qualifications to allow Intel to market a very large number of their Vista-incapable graphics chip sets as Vista Ready is so obviously fraught with risks charter, fiduciary and judicial principles, one has to conclude that, given no financial advantage to Microsoft, one can assume the act was involuntary on Microsoft's part.
In other words, somebody at Intel has a picture of somebody in Microsoft management and a dog we all would rather not have to see.
Well, in my world, the only thing that would get you to do what Microsoft did for Intel is if somebody had and promised to show the pictures of "our" last little strategy party to the world and me and the Poodle in the throes of kavorka-fueled puppy love was the hit of the party. Not good public relations for a corporate management culture toward instilling a general appearance of "soundness" IYKWIM.
(By the way, you may notice this will mark the point in the timeline when I shoved this post over the opinion line about as far as you can see. All I know is speculation and association but you're going to have to explain the trends if you're going to contend.)
Large earthquakes start as a "letting go" of wholeness on either side of a dividing line. People call them "faults". The same image can be drawn within a corporate population as a monolithic and homoegenous rock.
A tear across the surface of least resistance will cultivate between the populace who won't cross an ethical line and those to which ethical lines are imaginary boundary. When the impending tear progresses, you see or can sometimes project what path the good guys will take and which path the bad guys think will work.
Perhaps with time there will be those who don't intend to be found helping a lie perpetrate and there are many effective ways for discussing things in this present electronic age.
So the future is all a tither.
Alot has been said and there's more to look at. These are my opinions and impressions and if you don't understand the world of SCADA, don't sit and curse me. Learn something about distributed computing in some form before you start blathering about what one company has done and another hasn't.
Why this focus on UDDI? UDDI seems like an intimidating subject or concept, but it will give you, as a novice, a foundation for perceiving just how architecture determines how data and commands in a system will be handled and why some ideas are elegant, some are close-but-no-cigar and some are dogs-stepped-on-by-ponies.
UDDI also acts as a marker to correlate other events so a general sense of the direction a technology is headed (or not headed) can be mapped out before the common man finds out (if ever).
Think through and come up with a refutation of what I am saying.
So enjoy what you will but do your own thinking and compare what you know to all that you are considering. Make sure you're honest about what you see and how you're portraying the defining area and volume immediate to that fault.
Don't find yourself having to ignore the full range of a subject and limit your understanding about a particular uncomfortable subject.
Don't be slavish to a view you are supposed to take based on an industry view, associations, avowed principles or issues hampering the considerations.
Think through. Work toward the most likely concept of future goal, regardless of limitations. Compare that emulation with the possiblilities suggested with the real picture and decide if the delta (the amount of change necessary to achieve the goal from present state) is possible conceptually (are you able to describe a scenario that starts at the present situation and can demonstrably follow a path that logically could happen to get to desired or above goal) or is simply a wishful thought (the resources or path to obtain enabling resources doesn't exist or has no chain of resources could make up the perceived gap from here to there).
Anywho, Have fun and we'll compare notes with each other on the other side of MIX08 or better.
March 21, 2006 Vista delayed
March 23, 2006 VCSY receives allowance for US 7,076,521
See USPTO PAIR Site at:
and use application number: 09/882,494
Look for allowance notice under Image File Wrapper tab.
March 24, 2006 Vista rewrite rumor surfaces (Scoble denies rumor)
March 24, 2006 Microsoft virtualization to be in Apple Leopard
May 08, 2006 Yahoo makes Panama ad center public
May 17, 2006 Sun blesses JAVA phone with SavaJe
(SavaJe spinoff of Lucent 1999)
June 6, 2006 Raymond Niro takes on patent 6826744 case.
June 10, 2006 Robert Scoble abandons ship
(could not refute Vista rewrite rumor)
June 15, 2006 Ted Hase Leaves Microsoft
June 16, 2006 Sun's Tim Bray blog on SavaJe
June 20, 2006 Martin Taylor leaves Microsoft with a *poof*
June 26, 2006 Gates/Buffet bonding
June 29, 2006 Vic Gundotra resigns from Microsoft (currently behind Google+)
July 11, 2006 VCSY US 7,076,521 granted
(See allowance granted March 23 2006)
July 18, 2006 Yahoo Panama ad center delayed
July 19, 2006 Microsoft ad center delayed
(More like hit the pause button 7/14 - 7/19 - technical?)
July 25, 2006 HP announces acquiring Mercury Interactive
October 17, 2006 Yahoo Panama launched for internal use
(90 days after June 19, 2006)
October 17, 2006 SavaJe goes dark unexpectedly
(micro-kernel OS for JAVA - see May 17 2006)
November 3, 2006 Ballmer invites Patent talks with Linux vendors
January 4, 2007 Google's Mark Lucovsky (previously Microsoft November 2004) interviewed
January 28, 2007 James Gray disappeared
[expert in distributed transactional processes]
February 1, 2007 Yahoo Panama launched for public use
February 7, 2007 VCSY sends Microsoft cease and desist on US 6,826,744
[patent granted November 30, 2004]
February 15, 2007 Michael Gartenberg joins Microsoft from Jupiter
February 19, 2007 Interview with Google's Mark Lucovsky published
February 20, 2007 Ballmer repeats threats against Linux on patents
March 7, 2007 Michael Gartenberg leaves Microsoft after 20 days to return to Jupiter
March 14, 2007 VCSY acquires exclusive rights for StatePointPlus in Government and Healthcare in the United States and Canada
March 2007 Microsoft requires Matthew Miszewski to sign employee agreement preventing him from disclosing confidential information "during his employment and at all times thereafter..."
March 23, 2007 Apple Leopard delay rumor surfaces
[reason: virtualization] [non-Apple sources deny]
April 5, 2007 Software AG buys Webmethods for $546 million.
April 12, 2007 Apple Leopard delay to October announced
[Apple admits]
April 12, 2007 Microsoft Viridian delay to October announced
April 13, 2007 Sun buys SavaJe IP
(which went dark in unexplained circumstances last year see Oct 17 2006)
April 16, 2007 Microsoft applies for Arbitrary Object Editing patent.
April 18, 2007 VCSY sued Microsoft for infringement on US 6,826,744
April 25, 2007 ProgrammersHeaven VCSY A Laughing Place (#1) shut down by webmaster
April 27, 2007 CEO AT&T (T) announced retirement
April 27, 2007 CEO Orange announced retirement
April 29, 2007 Microsoft announced Data Entity cut from Orcas
April 30, 2007 IBM retires much legacy Websphere Global
May 04, 2007 Microsoft + Yahoo formal talks fuzzleMay 10, 2007 Apple to release Leopard on original date June
May 10, 2007 Microsoft cuts key elements from Viridian
May 13, 2007 Ballmer accuses Linux of violating 258 patents
May 14, 2007 Estimated beginning of 60 day extension requested by Microsoft for negotiations re: VCSY v MSFT patent suit
May 18, 2007 CDC/Ross Software CEO Yip reassigned to CEO Musser
May 24, 2007 Microsoft cancels Professional Developers Conference (PDC) scheduled for October
August 29, 2007 Interwoven confirms it no longer provides an XML-based content component management capability.
January 16, 2008 Oracle buys BEA Systems for $8.5 billion.
February 1, 2008 Microsoft makes unsolicited $45 billion bid for Yahoo.
February 11, 2008 Microsoft buys Danger.
July 23, 2008 Kevin Johnson, head of online division, announces leaving Microsoft.
July 25, 2008: Markman Hearing scheduled for this day in VCSY v MSFT for infringement of 6826744 did not occur because Microsoft settled with VCSY in a confidential settlement the day before the hearing.
July 25, 2008 - Microsoft announces largest stock buyback in company history.
September 30, 2008 Microsoft establishes first debt financing in company history for $6,000,000,000.
October 16, 2008 Microsoft Arbitrary Object Editing patent application published. See April 16, 2007 application date.
October 27, 2008 - Microsoft introduces Azure and "joins the cloud party".
January 12, 2009 - Interwoven notified of infringement of patent 6826744 by TeamSite 2006 product. See lawsuit circa November 15, 2010.
January 12, 2009 - Palm WebOS Synergy demonstrated.
January 22, 2009 - Interwoven agrees to be acquired by Autonomy.
March 5, 2009 - VCSY meets with Interwoven in San Jose, California. VCSY alleges Interwoven intentionally concealed its infringement of the 744 patent. See lawsuit circa November 15, 2010.
October 22, 2009 - Microsoft introduces Windows 7 to replace ill-fated Vista.
November 19, 2009 - Google releases long awaited Chrome OS web operating system.
January 18, 2010 Michael Miszewski appointed Senior VP Global Public Sector at Salesforce.
January 27, 2010 Microsoft blocks Miszewski move to Salesforce.
March 25, 2010 VCSY announces allowance of 7716629 continuance to 6826744.
April 14, 2010 - VCSY announces:
"In July 2008, we settled an infringement claim we had initiated in federal court against Microsoft. We are waiting for the issuance of the Continuation Patent for U.S. Patent No. 6,826,744 (which SiteFlash™ is based upon) before we engage with new licensees because we believe the Continuation Patent provides better protection for this intellectual property asset."
April 28, 2010 HP buys Palm
May 11, 2010 - VCSY granted patent 7716629 - a continuance of patent 6826744 "System and Method for Generating Web Sites in an Arbitrary Object Framework."
June 14, 2010 - VCSY institutes "poison pill" agreement.
June 14, 2010 - Microsoft enters into $1,250,000,000 indenture.
June 30, 2010 Microsoft kills Kin aka the Pink Danger.
August 12, 2010 - Interwoven notified of infringement of patent 6826744 by TeamSite 2006 product. Lawsuit alleges "Interwoven agains mislead Vertical into believing that it would attempt to resolve any patent infringement claim by Vertical by negotiating in good faith, but it obtained an extension of time under the pretext of studying the issues presented by Vertical to prepare a lawsuit against Vertical." See lawsuit circa November 15, 2010.
October 11, 2010 - Microsoft releases Windows Phone 7.
October 14, 2010 - Interwoven sues VCSY in an effort to have parts of 6826744 and 7716629 ruled invalid
October 24, 2010 - Ray Ozzie quits as "cloud computing guru" for Microsoft.
November 11, 2010 - Additional child application 12/777,885 to 7716629 made public by USPT.
November 12, 2010 - Silverlight gets its own developer event.
November 15, 2010 VCSY sues Interwoven, LG and Samsung for infringing against patents 6826744 and 7716629.
November 15, 2010 - Google Chrome OS web operating system delayed without explanation.
November 22, 2010 - Samsung focusing on Windows 7 instead of Android?
November 22, 2010 - Novell sells to Attachmate.
December 02, 2010 - Barry Diller resigns as IAC CEO.
June 12, 2011 Entered for the historical record.
July 1, 2011 Microsoft/Apple group buys Nortel patents.
July 29, 2011 Google buys IBM patents.
August 15, 2011 Google buys Motorola Mobility.
August 18, 2011 HP offers to buy Autonomy.
Circa June 2012 VCSY responds to USPTO non-final rejection.